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Surname Given Name(s) Birthdate Reference
VaculciakovaMiroslavaSep. 6, 1960wife of V,C,1,d,i
VaculiakJosefhusband of
VahlRolanda YvonneJan. 29, 1963wife of II,B,6,a,vii,(A)
van der ZydenSandra MaryMar. 9, 1961wife of VII,F,1,d,v
Van HagueDianaOct. 23, 1949wife of VII,A,5,a,ii
VanderstineDonna JeanJan. 17, 1950wife of II,D,2,b,i,(C)
VargasDanielhusband of II,B,4,c,i,(D)
VargasJenniferAug. 11, 1976II,B,4,c,i,(D),(1)
VarnumSharon ElizabethSep. 28, 1947wife of VII,A,2,a,ii
VeyDorothyJul. 14, 1930wife of IV,A,12,k,ii
VinczeKristinawife of III,B,5,b,iii,(C)
ViscusiJames HenrySep. 24, 1947husband of IV,A,3,a,iv,(B)
VogtElsieAug. 11, 1919wife of V,A,2,b

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